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Fort Langley Massage Therapy
& Holistic Health

Naomi Chuah
Feb 7, 20222 min read
TRE ~By Naomi Chuah, RCST and TRE Therapist~
TRE stands for Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises. TRE is a simple way to initiate involuntary body tremoring, releasing tension and...
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Naomi Chuah
Feb 4, 20222 min read
Bodies Are Good ~By Naomi Chuah, Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist~
In our clinic, we are in the business of taking care of bodies. We take care of our own bodies, and spend a lot of time thinking about...
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Heidi Charlton, RMT
Sep 28, 20212 min read
State Of Balanced Awareness ~By Heidi Charlton, RMT~
From Stephen r. Covey's book the 7 habits if a highly effective person chapter 'principles of personal vision', I learned and adapted the...
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Theresa Schmidt
Sep 28, 20211 min read
Women's Pelvic Health ~By Theresa Schmidt, BScPT, Physiotherapist~
How many of you ladies know about your Pelvic Floor? The Pelvic Floor is part of your core and it is responsible to support your pelvic...
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Naomi Chuah
Aug 6, 20213 min read
Fall Revisited ~By Naomi Chuah, Biodynamic Caniosacral Therapist~
Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy is a way to engage not only our physical bodies, but our deeper emotions and feelings in the context of...
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Kim Brandt, RMT
May 3, 20214 min read
The Significance of Feeling Safe - The Polyvagal Theory ~By Kim Brandt Registered Massage Therapist~
Without Feeling Safe, We Struggle To Heal Before treating someone, I often inquire about their stress level, and in response, I usually...
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Naomi Chuah
Apr 7, 20212 min read
Touch ~By Naomi Chuah, Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist~
Touch. Is it just a brief experience, nerves/skin touching another body, brains registering the proximity of another? Or is it layers on...
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Naomi Chuah
Apr 7, 20212 min read
Where Has Your Balance Gone? ~By Theresa Schmidt, Physiotherapist, BScPT
You may have noticed that every decade you get older, your balance decreases. Do you ever watch children play and think to yourself, “I...
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Naomi Chuah
Feb 26, 20214 min read
Radical Acceptance: Embodiment ~ By Naomi Chuah, Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist~
When I hear the term “radical acceptance”, what comes to mind is social justice and the acceptance we extend to others around us, even if...
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