It has been a beautiful 2 year adventure here at Fort Langley Massage & Holistic Health, caring for our Fort Langley community, situated on Kwantlen & Katzie unceded territory. I have learned so much, including how to weave, and am a beginner of hən̓q̓əmin̓əm̓ down river dialect of the land. (Big gratitude & I raise my hands to my sister, friend and language/culture teacher, Sesmélət Fern Gabriel)
In gratitude & recognition, I raise my hands to YOU, and the ones that stand behind you, for embracing your healing journeys in whatever capacity you chose. It was an honor to care for your mind, body and soul; a gift which I do not take lightly. To walk alongside you if only for a little while, as you birthed your babies, healed from traumas and reintegrated your psyche’s, was deep and profoundly moving for me as well, always.
Trust in your healing journey, in your tears, your secrets shared, your desires; for they are unfathomable and unstoppable. Never give up on you! Never give up on the journey of full embodied living. To believe in one's gifts, one's body, one's emotional and spiritual health, that is power. When we come home to ourselves, we come home to the Universe. We come home to the River Sto:lo that flows through Fort Langley, we come home to the blood that is the life blood of the land. Our tears, our hearts, our breath is one with Earth’s heartbeat, the air we breathe and the water we drink and get our food from. I raise my hands to the River, to the Eagles, to the trees. They helped me and you as it is their energy that I channel when sitting with you, caring for you. The universal Energy-this is Reiki and Hawaiian LomiLomi.
As I leave, I want to introduce Amanada, Reiki Practitioner & Craniosacral Therapist! She is one of my dear soul sisters, colleagues and past students. She's joining Fort Langley Massage & Holistic Health! She soon will be embarking on her Reiki Master Teachers level with me, having moved through the last 2 levels and 2 years of not only her Reiki Practitioner journey, but also her own personal healing journey. She is fully walking on a road of inner power, peace and awareness of self. These qualities are at the root of a great practitioner.
Aside from this, Amanda has a gift of healing hands and heart. Her heart is so open I really feel she has the capacity to love the entire world. She's just “one of those people ''. Set some time in your day or evening to meet Amanda through Fort Langley Massage & Holistic Health online bookings. Hopefully, she chooses the same room I am vacating as I believe it's the most beautiful in the Clinic! Lol lol)
If you are over here in the North Saanich, unceded territory of the Tsartlip, Tseycum, & Tsawout First Nations, come visit & have a tea!! Contact me through http://tonyag.ca I will see you in the future when I visit Fort Langley Massage, as a guest for 1-day bookings. Much aloha, love and generosity of beauty within you and around you. All my relations.