“Born” in Japan, Reiki is fast becoming one of the most sought-after integrative care modalities. I cannot truly convey the overall far-reaching affects of Reiki in mere words, but I will try, for this is a modality truly to be experienced. Reiki’s benefit in my life and in my client’s lives has been nothing less than extraordinary. In this article we look at what a session looks like (In Clinic vs Remote), the benefits of Reiki, and testimonials from various clients.
Reiki is an all-encompassing therapy for mind, body & soul. It is classified by Health Canada as a CAM (complimentary alternative medicine) and can be found in many hospitals, clinics, and extended care facilities throughout the world. The advancement of Reiki as a recognized mainstream modality is in part due to the efforts of the well-established Center for Reiki Research. The CRR also serves as a great resource for the lay person as well as professionals seeking more information. https://centerforreikiresearch.com/
Reiki promotes a return to wellness, restful sleeps, cessation of pain, as it helps resolve physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual imbalances. Many people seek Reiki to ease mental and emotional anxiety and as a complimentary/adjunctive treatment for chronic & acute illness. Others seek it as a form of relaxation after a busy workday or when they find their thoughts ruminating on worry.
Lori Froese sought out Remote Reiki as a form of self care. “A lovely heart opening experience, peaceful. ...grounding and centering. It brought me back into my body,” says Lori. With Reiki, comes a deep tranquility, while worries melt away.
Other seek Remote Reiki to assist with easing of significant physical health issues. Following her 3rd of 3 sessions, Bella Meckling states, “I had the urge to laugh uncontrollably and (was) smiling for no reason; almost like I heard some(thing) funny after the session. …throughout the day. So, thank you! My heart is thankful.” Bella was receiving regular Remote Reiki, (Distance Reiki), for a complicated medical issue that was compounded by the effects of a pre-existing post-concussion syndrome. Her dizziness abated and she was able to carry out day-to-day activities that prior to Remote Reiki, she was almost unable to perform. In total, Bella received 30-minute sessions, 3x a week, for a total of 3 weeks. The side benefit was the happiness she experienced following session(s).
You may be wondering right about now, what is a Remote Reiki vs In Clinic Reiki session ‘look like’. In Clinic Session, you lay face up, fully clothed on the Reiki (massage) Table. You may be covered with a blanket or uncovered. The session is usually an hour in length with music playing softly in the background. The Practitioner does an initial scan called a Byosan, assessing your energetic body. Hot pockets or cold pockets will show up, indicating stagnant energy, blockages in the Qi energy flow that leads to disease and unwellness. Depending on the skill & experience of the Practitioner, they will also sense/see current or past physical trauma such as surgeries, adhesions, or internal swellings. The Practitioner then will lay their hands in different positions of your body and allow the Reiki energy to flow. People may experience tingles, a gentle heat and peacefulness.
Lynda Notte, of Langley, BC shares, “I went into see Tonya with terrible pain in my right hip & leg. She noticed right away that my hip was out. It took one treatment to get my pain down by more than 50 % & the next treatment, almost all gone. I have been able to work a complete 8 hrs without pain & have had many good night sleeps since going to her. She relaxes me & gets rid of my pain. I would recommend her to everyone that has pain. I am 72 years old & still working. many thanks.”
During a session, you may also see images, experience old memories, or see flashing colors in your mind’s eye. You might drift off and fall asleep during a session due the profound comfort feeling. (Many people do). Overall, you leave your session feeling calm and clear.
Remote Reiki session is the same except you are in the comfort of your home (or you may be in hospital or a park, etc..) We will connect via Zoom, Telehealth or Text prior to your session. We will discuss anything you would like to share for 5 minutes, then you settle yourself in a comfortable position; Play soft music and close your eyes. Reiki is channeled for the set amount of time to you and when the sessions is closed, I make contact that the session is closed and answer any questions you may have.
Lastly, I will share a bit of my personal experience with this wonderful healing modality. I stumbled upon Reiki when my need was great and conventional methods were not working. I was a crisis response nurse, specializing in emergency mental health with the RCMP. I had “hit the proverbial wall”. I was suffering from the effects of caregiver strain and PTSD. I sought ‘mainstream’ sessions but very soon after, I discovered Reiki….and so began my journey with this traditional healing art from Japan.
After only a couple sessions, my sleep was no longer disjointed, the hyper vigilance dissipated, the nausea and dry heaves went away, and my mood greatly improved. Reiki made such a huge difference in my overall well being and health that I began studying it and I soon began practicing it. I registered with the Canadian Reiki Association as a Reiki Practitioner after my year long practicum. Years later after my clients asked several times for me to teach them Reiki, I became a Certified Teacher in 2012. In 2013, I traveled to Maui to study with the International Center for Reiki Training and was initiated as a Karuna Reiki Teacher & Practitioner.
Along with earthing & land-based practices, I self administer Reiki often, and receive Remote Reiki from a colleague of mine. It brings me a deep feeling of peace, clears away all stagnant energies, while promoting clarity of thinking.
If you have been a fence sitter or never even heard of the benefits of Reiki, I hope I have illustrated here with mere words Reiki’s positive effects. But the best way to know something is to experience itself for yourself! I offer Remote Reiki in addition to In-Clinic services. For our month of February, I am offering a 10 % discount on Reiki (in Clinic or Remote). Gift it to yourself or a dear one who is stuck at home in quarantine or self isolation. Aloha Blessings.
If you wish to book with Tonya, Click Here. If you wish to learn Reiki with Tonya, email her at tonya@fortlangleymassage.com